"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed... Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are acheiving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

-2 Corinthians 4: 7-9, 16-18

Monday, February 13, 2012


Every year my dad travels down to Atlanta in February to visit my Godfather (Tony) and his wife (Johnna), and to help out with some DIY projects.  This year my mom decided to join him, and since we are five-ish hours away in Charleston we decided to plan a visit.  I arrived on Tuesday with Maddy, and we settled in very quickly.  Maddy really enjoyed reading with Grandma and playing with "Rose", their patient, aging, sweet kitty-kitty (as Maddy referred to her all week). 

Maddy enjoying storytime with Grandma...

...and playtime with Rose on the kitty bed.

Thursday we visited nearby Calloway Gardens, where we all admired the beautiful butterfly exhibit and Maddy got to feed some chubby goldfish.  Maddy has taken a great interest in butterflies over the last several months, so this was a really exciting and unexpected field trip.

Maddy admiring the butterflies hatching out of their coccoons.  This was so cool!

Thank you Johnna for sharing this beautiful place with us!
 It was so beautiful there, reminding me through and through of how God is "in the details".  Just like each individual butterfly, He creates us with beauty, uniqueness, and perfection (even though it doesn't always feel like it; rest assured, He created me exactly how He wanted me, flaws and all!).  And although our lives are so delicate, fragile and short here on this earth, while we are here we are given the opportunity to soar to great heights through Christ and showcase the inner beauty God has placed within us for all the world to see.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." -Psalm 139:14

I ended up having to visit a local Urgent Care clinic for a nasty sinus infection (bummer!) Friday, but Ben arrived later that day which of course perked me up and by Saturday I was tasting again and thoroughly enjoying Johnna's amazing culinary skills.  Saturday the boys worked on projects around the house, Ben helped construct a railing for Johnna's mother and Papa (my dad) built a stepstool for Maddy to take home for use around the house... it's already been wonderful!

Cat-napping. (Notice Rose at Maddy's feet...If she had only known Rose was snuggling up to her, this nap would've been much shorter!)
Maddy and Tony (aka "Duck")

With Grandma and Papa before we had to leave
We all had a great visit with Tony, Johnna, mom and dad... who knows, maybe it will become an annual tradition!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Maddy's First Whip!

Ben got the crazy idea that Maddy should have her first set of wheels at the age of 21 months... when he first brought up the idea I thought (and hoped!) it was something he'd be over in a couple days, because I didn't want to think about her taking spills in the driveway or making that kind of "investment" (those things aren't cheap!) only to not have her not care a thing about it and have it sitting there taking up valuable real estate in our garage for years to come.

He did his research, we went to a few pawn shops looking for used ones, and after two weeks of listening to him mention it I caved.  I figured he works so hard to provide for our family and if this is what he wants to spend our little "extra" on, it's a selfless way to spend it and worth the smiles on both of their faces...

Even on the first day!

I think even Case was a little concerned at first...

But Daddy had everything under control...  I asked "doesn't she need a helmet for this??"  Ben replied, "Ally, it goes less than 2mph."

And she had so much fun!  Thank you Daddy!

There's no time like the present!

So I've decided to start a blog... I feel like I'm not one of those types who is really creative in writing, or will have a ton of readers, but the whirlwind that started almost four years ago when I discovered the love of a lifetime has flown by, and I have little documented to show for it but a marriage certificate, a pregnancy journal and a bunch of photos archived on a memory stick (they're not even printed!)...

I think it's important to document our journey as a family and that a blog is an appropriate place to do so because...

1.  This is not our home.  God's Word makes it clear that this is just a temporary resting place (Philippians 3:20).  Whether He decides to take me today or 50+ years from now, He has done mighty things in my life over the last 6 years that I've had a relationship with Him and my desire is for His glory to be displayed through my story and His plan for my life.

2.  I want my children to know me.  I want my children to know how I felt about them their entire lives, what we experienced together, how much a adore their father, and what I have learned through being a mother, wife, friend, and part of two amazing families.

3.  There's no time like the present!  Maddy will be two in a few short months and there are so many stories, memories and moments that went uncaptured.  No more!  Also, we have recently moved to South Carolina, purchased a new home, and found out we're expecting baby #2!  Although I wish I had started this years ago, I'm glad I have the opportunity to do so now...

4.  I have learned so much from other's blogs.  One of the most destructive lies of the enemy is that whatever we're going through we are going through alone, but my prayer is that through my transparency and sharing in joys and struggles is that others would know that everyone has them... a blog is also a nice place to document these things considering I can type much faster than I can write and I don't get cramps in my hands! :o)

5.  We want our friends and family to know what's going on.  Moving away from my family essentially 10 years ago when I entered college, and away from Ben's family over a year ago when we got laid off from our jobs has placed a distance between us... a physical distance, and although it's tough that there's any distance at all, if there must be one I want it to be limited to only physical... I want our friends and family to still feel connected to us, that they can check into our blog anytime they want the latest.  We have lots of friends and family not in our time zone (or even in our country!), on opposite schedules, or other factors which make it tough to stay updated.

So anyway, here goes nothin'!...  Enjoy...